Emma H

Emma J


4 Aug 2010

Birthday Roses

Thank you Em H. for my birthday post! And I am proud to say that I am completely smitten with Oncewed...I would be embarrassed to admit it except that I'm pretty sure that I am not alone.
So yesterday was my birthday and now I have the post-birthday blues.
They set in first thing this morning when I had to head off back to work after
an amazing day yesterday of eating,
wandering along the beach (in gale force winds but sunshine!)
and spending time with my lovely boy.
From past experience I have learnt that to fend off the post-birthday blues (or any other event of a similar nature- graduations, weddings, long holidays- that you have been looking forward to), it is best not to indulge in the following:
retail therapy, chocolate therapy or entire-tv-series-in-one-go therapy.
Although all enjoyable, and appropriate for other types of blues- break-ups, bad days at work, arguments with friends- they only make the post-birthday blues worse. After that long intro...here is what did cheer me up today: remembering the fantastic dress that I found at Beyond Retro and wore for my birthday. The superkalifragilistic Steve George took some photos of me wearing the 'Birthday Roses' dress that I love. Thank you Steve!

I love how Steve has given this photo and the next one an effect that makes it look like I am in Havana. Oh how I wish I was in Havana!

Thank you also to Em H. for lending me the incredible necklace that you found in a charity shop! And to super-hairdresser Myrtle at Square Roots for my new short crop. I love short hair- so easy- I don't know why I ever strayed from you short hair!

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