Emma H

Emma J


18 Nov 2010

Etsy Thursday

I love the blog Sweet Paul by the stylist Paul Lowe, I have already swooned over Paul's recycling and decorating ideas here. I also happen to be in LOVE with Etsy and all the handmade, recycled, vintage goodness that it brings to my life and hopefully to yours. So I was quite excited to see that Mr Lowe had written a feature on the Etsy blog about book art, now as someone who shares her living space with LOTS of books and doesn't even like to fold the corner of one page of a book, I find the idea of ripping, cutting and gluing books both liberating and terrifying. 
I guess I should let go once in a while and break some rules...I'd better find me some second hand books...
Here is some inspiration from Etsy and Paul Lowe:

1 comment:

Emma H said...

I couldn't do it!!!